
Phenology watch

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brewing with Mr. Beer

Here's something new.  My husband bought me this brewing kit for Christmas.  I think if you buy direct from their website the Premium Kit that I got is about $50, plus $8 for shipping.  I did find it on Amazon, however, for $38 and free shipping.  It includes everything you need to brew and bottle 2 gallons of beer.  Yesterday, I brewed my first batch.  I can't wait to try it!  Two of my husband's nephews brew their own, and it's really good.  And, I found out, quite simple to do. 

Here's what I did -
  1. Sanitize everything.  Very easy to do with the packet of no rinse sanitizer that's included.  Just add the powder to some water, soak for 10 minutes, and drain.
  2. Dissolve the package of powder marked Booster in water by stirring.  A.Long.Time.  LONG.TIME.  I cannot stress this enough...get those forearm muscles in shape!  It needs to be completely dissolved.
  3. Bring this mixture to a boil.  Remove from heat, and stir in the can of Hopped Malt Extract.
  4. Fill the keg halfway with water, add the boiled mixture, and stir.
  5. Sprinkle the yeast into the keg, let it sit for 5 minutes, stir, then screw on lid.
  6. Let sit for 7-14 days, then bottle.  Let sit again for 1-3 weeks.  Refrigerate, and enjoy!
Adding the yeast
The yeast starting to work its magic!

The full keg, ready to sit for 14 days
In its hiding spot          

On January 25th, after sitting for 2 weeks, the beer will be bottled.  I'll let you know how it goes!

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